urban delight

dreaming of public spaces

It seems that under the current circumstances of continued self isolation, the public domain remains an idealized apparition as we delve deeper into the privacy of our dwellings. The experience of public space in urban centers, meeting a friend in a city square, walking across a public plaza, visiting a museum or gallery, sipping a coffee in a cafe, seem to be a long lost pastime as another wave of lockdowns ensue. The silver lining? With glimpses and memories of public space still alive in our minds and imaginations, we recall sunnier days and the outdoor spaces as they used to be or could be giving form to new visions.


small gestures on grand scales

An early Plana study of the public space uniting Drew University and the MLK medical campus incorporates an open architectural typology with surrounds outdoors spaces through intricate walkways and farmscapes. A departure from the existing campus axis allows for better connectivity and community engagement. Serendipitous encounters between students, medical staff and members of the community, moments of bliss in a wild flower garden, a neighborhood festival with food trucks and music… Buildings themselves extend from these experiences into halls and classrooms, clinics and a completely open commissary and food hall.


pluralists. problem solvers. people people.

Plāna is a Los Angeles based architecture studio rooted in design, ecological and social sustainability and effective project management. We want our end product to be a catalyst for positive personal, social and environmental change and be a source of inspiration and joy. Our aesthetic is timeless and streamlined. We develop solutions come from a deep understanding of our clients needs. And we stay around until they are implemented. We enjoy and celebrate the diversity of our clients that include schools, landowners and developers, private individuals and public institutions.